How long have you been riding? I have been riding sleds for about 20 years but really, the first 5 to 8 years were a means to ski steeper gnarlier lines. I was a sled skier, not a sledder. Then I learned how to downhill carve on a sled and that changed everything. I could feel that same skier feeling and I felt unstoppable just like being on skis! But… sledding isn’t ideal in ski boots, so the skis started to stay home and that’s when I became a sledder.
Favorite Mountain Range (any sport) Up zipper mouth Creek, past wouldn’t you like to know valley, in the never tell range haha! Just kidding, my heart lies in the Blue River area.
What is something else you’re good at that contributes to your riding? I love dirt biking, street bikes, surfing, whitewater kayaking and I still love skiing.
What do you ride? I ride a factory prepped 163″ T3 summit, with a few Carl Kuster goodies 🙂